1-54 Art Fair 2023Painting11.2023
Afroscope, Alice Raymond and Kwaku Opoku presented works born from their collaborations with women’s textile weaving collectives and Nubuke Foundation’s Centre for Textile and Clay in Wa, Ghana. The Foundation invited artists and creatives to create projects that positively impact the livelihoods of women textile weavers in Wa, Nandowli and Nandom.

The works presented reinterpreted centuries-old indigenous knowledge systems, using digital technology to connect woven strips to music, translate and re-present climatic information through colour and motifs, and innovate and engage with the visually impaired and deaf community in Wa.

Visitors to the Nubuke Foundation’s site in Wa are invited to examine how they traditionally perceive and engage with textiles and art. They can interact with hand-woven strip communities through a live digital platform, as well as appreciate the skill and craftsmanship employed by the blind to produce furniture.

Nubuke Foundation Centre Textiles and Clay runs an annual Festival, called Woori, and a residency programme.

+ Painting
+ Afroscope
+ London

Kwaku Reez Opoku
Don’t worry about your future.